To promote and protect the trade, commerce, manufactures, agriculture and industries of India and in particular the trade, commerce, manufactures, agriculture, plantations and industries of Tea and associate industries connected with tea.
To affiliate with any other corporate or incorporate body, Chamber of Commerce, Association or Corporation in order to protect and further the interest of this Association.
To watch over, promote and protect the general commercial interests of India or any part thereof and the interest of persons engaged in trade, commerce, manufactures, agriculture, plantations or industries in India and in particular of tea.
To advise and render assistance to the members of the Association and others on all questions connected with trade,commerce, manufactures.
To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to trade, commerce, manufactures,agriculture, plantations and industries, and in particular of tea.
To promote or oppose legislation and other measures and to procure change of law and practice affecting trade, commerce, agriculture, plantations and industries in India and in particular in tea
To assist members to obtain any materials required in connection with trade, commerce, manufactures,agriculture, plantations and industries of tea and associated industries connected with tea.
To purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property or any rights or privileges which may be deemed necessary or convenient for any of the purposes of this Association.
To open branches and to affiliate other institutions having similar objects to this Association and to direct their activities.
To affiliate with any companies, institution, societies or associations having objects altogether or in part similar to those of this Association..
To make representation to Local or Central Authorities, Executives or Legislative on any matter affecting trade, commerce, manufacture, agriculture, plantations and industries and in particular, affecting tea.
To arrange to send delegations on behalf of this Association to foreign countries for the furtherance and promotion of the tea trade and industry and finance such delegations either from its own funds or from other sources.
To open tea stalls and tea houses in India or in foreign countries and to do propaganda with the object of popularising Indian teas.
To represent members of the Association before industrial tribunals,Tea Board, Government, Municipal or local authorities or other public bodies.